Open Access
IUFoST World Congress
13th World Congress of Food Science & Technology
iufost (2006)
DOI: 10.1051/IUFoST:20061375

The COST system of networking in the field of food and agriculture research

V. Nedovic1, P. Raspor2, S. Kefi3, J. Williams4, W. Obert4, and M. Grabert4

1 Dept. of Food Technology and Biochem., University of Belgrade, Nemanjina 6, P.O. Box 127, 11080 Belgrade - Zemun, Yugoslavia
2 Food science and technology department, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
3 Agriculture, Forestry & Veterinary Research Group, TUBITAK, Ataturk Bulvari No:221, 6100 Ankara, Turkey
4 COST Office, 149 avenue Louise, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
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